START json
There are 2 webservices to retrieve data from the Start times portal, in JSON format:
- gives the list of all future competitions.
- gives all start details for the given competition ID (n) in parameter.
To download results from Webres, for further data processing, in JSON format:
- will show all results of a particular runner (n).
- downloads all results of a particular race (n).
- lists the last (n) competitions loaded onto Webres.
WEBRES filter
A different way of publishing race results on one or more TV screens: Scrolling filtered WEBRES pages.
What does it mean?
First, let's present the Firefox Add-on to scroll any web page : ReScroll, by Flemish orienteer Jeroen.
So far, it could just scroll the entire result list on Webres. But then we have added a way to filter the result with a new URL parameter: SHOW
Simply add it to the full Webres URL &show=[list of categories, separated by !]. And any part is treated with an implicit wildcard.
Some examples from
-!H:02 gives only D:01 and H:02
-!H gives only D:01 and all H
Like this, you can stream the results on any number of screens... and without the club statistics.
Be carefull about the synthax ... (lower case for the "s... of show")
&show= is OK ...
&Show= is not OK ...