L'ouverture de ce forum coincide quasiment avec la mise en ligne d'un nouveau site FRSO, avec un nouveau Webmaster.
Comme annoncé, les pages relatives à HELGA sur l'ancien site FRSO ont été rénovées dans un site spécifique http://www.Helga-O.com où nous ferons dorénavant figurer toutes les informations relatives à ce logiciel.
Nous vous invitons donc à vous faire connaître et vous inscrire via ce forum qui doit devenir le vecteur principal de nos contacts.
The opening of this forum occured on the same birthday as the new FRSO Website with a new Webmaster.
As already said, all the pages "About Helga" on the old FRSO site moved to a new specific one at http://www.Helga-O.com where in the future all relevant informations will be published.
Therefore we invite you to register in this forum which will be the main vector of our contacts.
De opening van dit forum heeft dezelfde geboortedatum als de nieuwe FRSO website met een nieuwe Webmaster.
Zoals al gezegd, verhuisden de gehele "Over Helga" ook naar een nieuwe website http://www.Helga-O.com waar in de toekomst alle informaties zullen gepubliceerd worden.
Wij nodigen jullie uit op deze forum in te schrijven : het zal de belangrijkste manier zijn om alle informatie meedelen.
Die Eröffnung dieses Forums geschieht zur selben Zeit wie die neue FRSO-Webseite mit neuem Webmaster.
Wie schon gesagt, alles "Über Helga" ist auf die neue Webseite http://www.HELGA-O.com umgezogen, wo in Zukunft alle Informationen veröffentlicht werden.
Wir laden Euch ein, Euch in dieses Forum einzuschreiben: es wird das bevorzugte Mittel der Informationsweitergabe sein.
Helga-O Team
Robert (rma) & Michael (mho)
Comme annoncé, les pages relatives à HELGA sur l'ancien site FRSO ont été rénovées dans un site spécifique http://www.Helga-O.com où nous ferons dorénavant figurer toutes les informations relatives à ce logiciel.
Nous vous invitons donc à vous faire connaître et vous inscrire via ce forum qui doit devenir le vecteur principal de nos contacts.
The opening of this forum occured on the same birthday as the new FRSO Website with a new Webmaster.
As already said, all the pages "About Helga" on the old FRSO site moved to a new specific one at http://www.Helga-O.com where in the future all relevant informations will be published.
Therefore we invite you to register in this forum which will be the main vector of our contacts.
De opening van dit forum heeft dezelfde geboortedatum als de nieuwe FRSO website met een nieuwe Webmaster.
Zoals al gezegd, verhuisden de gehele "Over Helga" ook naar een nieuwe website http://www.Helga-O.com waar in de toekomst alle informaties zullen gepubliceerd worden.
Wij nodigen jullie uit op deze forum in te schrijven : het zal de belangrijkste manier zijn om alle informatie meedelen.
Die Eröffnung dieses Forums geschieht zur selben Zeit wie die neue FRSO-Webseite mit neuem Webmaster.
Wie schon gesagt, alles "Über Helga" ist auf die neue Webseite http://www.HELGA-O.com umgezogen, wo in Zukunft alle Informationen veröffentlicht werden.
Wir laden Euch ein, Euch in dieses Forum einzuschreiben: es wird das bevorzugte Mittel der Informationsweitergabe sein.
Helga-O Team
Robert (rma) & Michael (mho)
Re: HELGA Forum
When you register, please choose a meaningful login (for example your name) and provide some details about your club, country etc. This makes it easier for us to decide if you are a legitimate user, in order to activate your account.
Thanks for your understanding!
Thanks for your understanding!
Re: HELGA Forum
I have been involved with orienteering since 1990 and am VP of Maps and Permits for Florida Orienteering. We plan on using SportIdent/O-lynx in the very near future. Your software has been recommended to us by another US orienteering club.
Re: HELGA Forum
You're welcome!
We would be very pleased to receive feedback of your organizations, like result pages for example
We would be very pleased to receive feedback of your organizations, like result pages for example

Re: HELGA Forum
Hallo,mho wrote:When you register, please choose a meaningful login (for example your name) and provide some details about your club, country etc. This makes it easier for us to decide if you are a legitimate user, in order to activate your account.
Thanks for your understanding!
Ik ben Masja van de Ven, KOVZ lid (NOLB) en probeer al geruime tijd uit te zoeken hoe ik in hemelsnaam Helga kan downloaden. Van de VVO begreep ik dat ik als ik inlog bij het forum een extra optie "downloads" te zien zou moeten krijgen, maar die krijg ik niet. Hoe werkt het dan wel? Ik help regelmatig met de wedstrijdadministratie en zou daarom graag het programma thuis hebben om mee te oefenen.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Re: HELGA Forum
Hi Masja, you are now added to the Downloads group! Sorry for the delay, and have fun with HELGA!
Re: HELGA Forum
My name is George and I'm leaving in Romania. I'm starting orienteering with 12 years ago and now I want to organize a competition but I need a software to do that. Searching on Internet I found your software and it looks nice. I hope that you will agree to add me in a download group. Thanks
My name is George and I'm leaving in Romania. I'm starting orienteering with 12 years ago and now I want to organize a competition but I need a software to do that. Searching on Internet I found your software and it looks nice. I hope that you will agree to add me in a download group. Thanks
Re: HELGA Forum
Hi George
I've activated for you an access to the Download area
Enjoy discovering HELGA
I've activated for you an access to the Download area
Enjoy discovering HELGA
"only solutions"
Re: HELGA Forum
I am from South Africa and am chairman of the Rand Orienteering Club, I am looking for software that we can use to manage our eventsmho wrote:When you register, please choose a meaningful login (for example your name) and provide some details about your club, country etc. This makes it easier for us to decide if you are a legitimate user, in order to activate your account.
Thanks for your understanding!
- Posts: 0
- Joined: Mon, 07. May 2012 22:41
Re: HELGA Forum
Boa tarde Michael Hock
Eu sou do BAVECO clube de orientação de Florianopolis, sou filiado a CBO participo de etapas aqui de Santa Catarina e vou em algumas etapas do CAMBOR, eu entrei no forum para conhecer um pouco melhor o programa HELGA-O para adquir mais conhecimento no esporte de orientação.
Se o senhor poder me possibilitar o acesso a area de Downloads eu agradeço, por enquanto obrigado.
Pedro Henrique Weege
Eu sou do BAVECO clube de orientação de Florianopolis, sou filiado a CBO participo de etapas aqui de Santa Catarina e vou em algumas etapas do CAMBOR, eu entrei no forum para conhecer um pouco melhor o programa HELGA-O para adquir mais conhecimento no esporte de orientação.
Se o senhor poder me possibilitar o acesso a area de Downloads eu agradeço, por enquanto obrigado.
Pedro Henrique Weege
Re: HELGA Forum
Hello, i'm from COMIB, an orienteering club from brasília brasil.
I installed helga on windows 7, but it doesn't work.
the message "error with the compilation" appears.
could someone help me?
would it be compatibility error? could it be something with the office? in my computer, there is the 2010 oficce...
thanks.. waiting for an answer.
I installed helga on windows 7, but it doesn't work.
the message "error with the compilation" appears.
could someone help me?
would it be compatibility error? could it be something with the office? in my computer, there is the 2010 oficce...
thanks.. waiting for an answer.
Re: HELGA Forum
there is a similar question (and answer, but in French) at viewtopic.php?f=2&t=138#p713 on this forum
so I translate the answer : with its set-up, HELGA needs to install 2 OCX libraries for the communication with the EMIT and SPORTIDent material - this is done through 2 additional set-up within the original one.
some anti-virus programs are very disturbed by this set-up launching another ones and they block their installation.
solution : before launching the Helga set-up, stop the control of your anti-virus software ... and don't forget to reactivate it later on
there is a similar question (and answer, but in French) at viewtopic.php?f=2&t=138#p713 on this forum
so I translate the answer : with its set-up, HELGA needs to install 2 OCX libraries for the communication with the EMIT and SPORTIDent material - this is done through 2 additional set-up within the original one.
some anti-virus programs are very disturbed by this set-up launching another ones and they block their installation.
solution : before launching the Helga set-up, stop the control of your anti-virus software ... and don't forget to reactivate it later on

"only solutions"
- Posts: 0
- Joined: Fri, 22. Feb 2013 12:06
Re: HELGA Forum
Je suis étudiante à Lyon et je pratique la course d'orientation depuis 6ans. Je souhaite organiser une compétition pour d'autres étudiants comme projet d'action avec mon école. Pour cela, j'aimerais utiliser votre logiciel. Pourrais-je avoir accès à la partie téléchargement?
Merci d'avance
Je suis étudiante à Lyon et je pratique la course d'orientation depuis 6ans. Je souhaite organiser une compétition pour d'autres étudiants comme projet d'action avec mon école. Pour cela, j'aimerais utiliser votre logiciel. Pourrais-je avoir accès à la partie téléchargement?
Merci d'avance
Re: HELGA Forum
OK Laury, j'ai activé l'accès à la zone des téléchargements
Bonne découverte de Helga
Bonne découverte de Helga
"only solutions"
- Posts: 0
- Joined: Mon, 10. Jun 2013 15:19
Re: HELGA Forum
Sou atleta de orientaçao a 30 anos integrante do clube de orientaçao de Foz do Iguaçu (Brasil) e pretendemos utilizar o SportIdent para a apuração de resultados. Gostaria de ter acesso a pagina de downloads. Obrigado.
Sou atleta de orientaçao a 30 anos integrante do clube de orientaçao de Foz do Iguaçu (Brasil) e pretendemos utilizar o SportIdent para a apuração de resultados. Gostaria de ter acesso a pagina de downloads. Obrigado.
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