The latest developments and improvements of HELGA were successfully used at the 3 days of Belgium 2010.
- 3 networked laptops managed the day entries and the finished runners
- 2 simultaneous badge readings queues with split time printouts
- 2 USB laser printers for Not classified runner's printouts; 1 network A3 laser printer for result lists (regular HELGA reports scaled up by the printer driver to A3 size)
- periodic generation of HTML result file for speaker and automatic upload per FTP to HELGA-O website
- all runners were read by an MTR3 at the start, so missing runners could be identified automatically and set to "Not Started".
Laptop 2 was server for the HELGADAT database.
Laptop 1 only did readings.
Laptop 3 encoded the Day entries, produced the result lists and via Internet link (Nokia N95) sent results each 15 minutes. And this was my place for supervising everything...
HELGA at the 3 days of Belgium 2010
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