Is there a tuto to explain how to share the data base between two PC (without Internet - which is the genral case when we are on the field).
I have a race on sunday 17 Oct...
Which files or directory need to be shared ?
Do we have to install Access and Helga on both PC ?
Tuto for network configuratuin with W10
Re: Tuto for network configuratuin with W10
HELGA must be fully installed on all computers.
Only the HELGADAT.mdb is located in a shared folder. See also viewtopic.php?f=2&t=334&p=1296&hilit=network#p1296
Only the HELGADAT.mdb is located in a shared folder. See also viewtopic.php?f=2&t=334&p=1296&hilit=network#p1296
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