Almost 1 and a half year after the first posting of results to WEBRES, we have reached 50000 individual results in around 250 competitions. Thank you for your trust in this platform!
I hope you had the opportunity to discover and enjoy all the features:
- personal runner's statistics
- highlighting club results (first click)
- filtering club results (second click)
- the split times
and on the main page
- filter by period, year, country
- search by person
Finally, one more comment on the club logos displayed: whenever a logo is missing, we do our best to research it... However, if it's not the correct one, or if you have a better quality file, please let us know!
With the latest versions (from october 2012), for Relay and Score, an Excel files can be uploaded with the splittimes ("one clic" with Windows Vista or Seven, via the Helpdesk with Windows XP)
"only solutions"
And now only 12 months later, we have reached 100000 results! hamok wins the "race" of all the competitions this weekend 

New performance for WebRes : 4 new results in 19 minutes !!!

and a new record for "one single day" : 3 countries / 7 clubs / 9 results

and a new record for "one single day" : 3 countries / 7 clubs / 9 results

"only solutions"
Christmas and New Year gifts for 2016
a new filter in WebRes : ... which one was the most user in 2015 ??
a new filter in WebRes : ... which one was the most user in 2015 ??

"only solutions"
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